Nissan Patrol, Ford Maverick

1988-1997 of release

Repair and car operation

Nissan Patrol and Ford Maverik
+ Cars of the Nissan Patrol and Ford Maverick series
+ Diagnostics of malfunctions
+ Settings and routine maintenance
- Engine
   - Engine of 4.2 l
      Removal and engine installation
      Removal, dismantling, check of a condition and installation of assembly of yokes and bars of pushers
      Removal and installation of the inlet pipeline
      Removal and installation of a final collector
      Service of a head of cylinders
      Removal, check of a condition and service of components of a drive of the gas-distributing mechanism (chain and asterisks)
      Removal, check of a condition and installation of a camshaft and pushers
      Removal and installation of the pallet of a case and maslozabornik of the oil pump
      Service of the oil pump
      Replacement of epiploons of a cranked shaft
      Service of shatunno-piston assemblies and mirrors of cylinders
      Service of a cranked shaft and radical bearings
      Flywheel service / driving disk
      Removal and installation of support of the power unit
   + Engine of 3.0 l
+ Systems of cooling, heating and air conditioning
+ the Power supply system and production of the fulfilled gases
+ Systems of decrease in toxicity of the fulfilled gases
+ Systems of electric equipment of the engine
+ Transmission
+ Coupling
+ Brake system
+ Forward and back bridges, running gear and steering
+ Body
+ Onboard electric equipment

Service of shatunno-piston assemblies and mirrors of cylinders

For performance described below procedures the following special equipment is required: a vertical drill for removal of step wear of cylinders; a micrometer and a telescopic nutromer (for check of a condition of cylinders); хон (for restoration of mirrors of cylinders) and tools for expansion and compression of piston rings (for installation and installation of shatunno-piston assemblies).

Removal of shatunno-piston assemblies

In principle extraction of shatunno-piston assemblies can be made without removal of the engine from the car though, if to take into consideration the difficulties connected with a detachment of the pallet of a case and work under the car, such approach not seems expedient at all. Originators of this Management recommend to perform this work on the engine removed from the car.

Components of shatunno-piston assembly are presented on an accompanying illustration.
1 — the bottom kompressiony ring
2 — the top kompressiony ring
3 — the top section of a maslosjemny ring
4 — a dilator of a maslosjemny ring
5 — the bottom section of a maslosjemny ring
6 — the piston
7 — a piston finger
8 — a rod
9 — bearing loose leaves
10 — a cover
11 — nuts


    Remove the engine from the car. Establish the engine on the assembly stand or a strong workbench and remove from it a head of cylinders, the pallet of a case and a maslozabornik of the oil pump. Make sure available identification labels on the bottom heads of rods and covers of shatunny bearings of a cranked shaft. Try to remember an order of installation of assemblies.
    By means of measuring щупа lezviyny type check size axial люфта rods. At excess lyufty admissible value (see size tables and adjustments at the end of the Management), replace a worn-out rod.
    Having brought the piston of the first cylinder into the bottom point of its course, give nuts of fastening of a cover of the bottom head of a rod (the shatunny bearing). Uncover. Wipe the bearing loose leaf in a cover and an open part of a shatunny neck of a shaft pure неворсящейся rags, then lay along a neck a piece of the calibrated plastic wire from a measuring set of Plastigage. Put on a cover a rod and tighten nuts of its fastening with demanded effort. Unscrew nuts, uncover and, having measured on a scale on set packing width of the flattened-out calibrated wire, define size of a gap of the shatunny bearing. Compare result of measurement to standard requirements (see size tables and adjustments at the end of the Management), at excess of an admissible limit replace the bearing assembled. Repeat procedure for the remained rods. Remember size of a gap of each of bearings. Serially remove covers of the bottom heads of all rods, then the wooden handle of a hammer вытолкните assemblies from cylinders at the top then at once establish on rods of their cover with the enclosed loose leaves.

For protection of necks of a cranked shaft and mirrors of cylinders against damage to process of extraction of shatunno-piston assemblies put on bolts of fastening of covers of bearings pieces of a plastic tube.

    In case of need, before starting extraction of shatunno-piston assemblies it is necessary to remove by means of a special vertical drill step wear in the top part of cylinders. Remove from pistons (at the top) piston rings and will throw out them.

Check of a condition of pistons


    Examine pistons on existence of traces of operation, scratches, задиров and прогаров. Remove all traces of coal deposits from the bottom of the piston and from ring flutes.
    Estimate degree of wear of ring flutes of pistons. For this purpose, having taken new measure, check size of their lateral gap in the corresponding flutes of each of pistons (see an accompanying illustration). Compare result of measurement to standard requirements (see size tables and adjustments at the end of the Management).
    Examine loose leaves of bearings of rods of all pistons on identification of signs of wear. At detection of development of external edges of loose leaves it is necessary to check the corresponding rod on a bend.

As the rikhtovka of rods needs the special equipment, originators of this Management recommend this check and regenerative repair to make in a car-care center workshop.

Check of a condition of the block and mirrors of cylinders


    Check mirrors of cylinders on existence of cracks, задиров, scratches and operation traces.
    By means of a special nutromer complete with a micrometer measure diameters of cylinders for the purpose of an assessment of degree of their wear and detection of ovality and a konusnost. Measurements make in two directions (up and down the block) and at three levels on height of cylinders - on the top border of a piston stroke, in the middle and below. The difference between distances And and In (see an accompanying illustration), to the measured on top and bottom borders of a piston stroke defines ovality of the cylinder, a difference between measurements And in the top and bottom planes of a working site of the cylinder defines its konusnost.
    From results of six measurements of each of cylinders choose the maximum and minimum indications. The difference of these indications can be considered as criterion of degree of wear of the cylinder. If wear any of cylinders exceeds admissible value (see size tables and adjustments at the end of the Management), it is necessary to pierce all cylinders till the standard repair size (with excess) with the subsequent their honingovaniye.

The choice of the necessary repair size from among provided by a standard is defined by the sizes most strongly the worn-out cylinder.

    By means of a measuring instrument of planeness and щупа lezviyny type check planeness of the top interfaced surface of the block (act as at check of planeness of a head of cylinders). If not planeness of the block exceeds admissible value (see size tables and adjustments at the end of the Management), remove a cranked shaft, establish on the block a cover of a gas-distributing chain and execute an assembly pro-point. Carefully wash out the block suitable solvent and dry it the compressed air, special attention giving to a purge маслотоков and remote cavities. Examine the block on existence of cracks and other mechanical damages.

Honingovaniye of mirrors of cylinders

Mirrors of the cylinders suitable for use in a set with old pistons, but piston rings demanding replacement, are subject to a honingovaniye.


    For removal of polishing from mirrors of cylinders use the superficial khan with grinding stones granularity 280. Move a rotating nozzle хона up-down in the cylinder with a speed, allowing to achieve a mesh pattern of notches with a crossing corner рисок in 60 °. Such processing guarantees optimum conditions for extra earnings of piston rings.

It is not necessary to remove more material from a cylinder mirror, than it is necessary for polishing removal, otherwise there will be an inadmissible increase in diameter of the cylinder and, respectively, a piston gap.

    In the course of processing grease a nozzle and cylinder walls with special honingovochny oil.

Use of transmission or impellent oils, and also mineral alcohols and kerosene for this purpose is inadmissible!

    On termination of a honingovaniye carefully wipe mirrors of cylinders, having completely removed from them any traces of an abrasive. After washing and block drying once again wipe mirrors of cylinders pure неворсящейся rags, then grease them with impellent oil in order to avoid corrosion development.

Check of piston gaps


    By means of a qualitative nutromer and a micrometer measure as it is described above diameters of all cylinders.
    Measure diameters of pistons at distance about 20 mm (And) on an accompanying illustration) from the bottom cut of a skirt.
    Having subtracted from diameter of the cylinder diameter of the corresponding piston, define a piston gap. If results of calculations exceed admissible values (see size tables and adjustments at the end of the Management), with the discretion replace the piston or pierce and отхонингуйте the cylinder. After a pro-point of cylinders till the standard repair size and a honingovaniye them it is necessary to repeat procedure of definition of piston gaps.

If the piston, a piston finger or a rod demand replacement, it should be made in the workshop of car-care center having at the order the necessary tool and a hydraulic press (for removal and installation of piston fingers).

Replacement of piston rings


    Pick up a set of the new piston rings answering on the standard size to cylinders of the engine of your car (respectively the standard or repair size). Serially fill each ring with the bottom of the overturned piston in the least worn-out part of the cylinder for measurement of size of gaps in their locks. Piston use for filling of rings in the cylinder allows to sweetheart perpendicularity of a ring. After extraction of the piston measure a gap in the ring lock with the help щупа lezviyny type.

After gap measurement in the lock the ring should be used for a complete set of the piston of this cylinder.

    According to the instruction enclosed complete with a set put on new rings the corresponding pistons. Use an opravkoy-dilator of piston rings. It is necessary to establish rings labels up (to the piston bottom). Top, according to the instruction, it is necessary to establish the chromeplated ring. Develop rings on the piston locks as it is shown on an accompanying illustration, where: And = the top kompressionny ring, In = the bottom kompressionny ring, With = a dilator of the maslosjemny ring, D = the top section of a maslosjemny ring, Е = the bottom section of a maslosjemny ring.
Strelochka specified a forward label

Installation of shatunno-piston assemblies


    Grease assembly of the piston and a wall of the first cylinder with pure impellent oil. Having turned a cranked shaft, bring the first shatunny neck of a cranked shaft into situation NMT. Dry wipe a neck pure rags, then grease it with pure impellent oil. Uncover the bottom head of a rod and wipe bearing loose leaves, or replace them necessarily. Grease loose leaves with pure impellent oil. Put on bolts of fastening of a cover pieces of a plastic tube for protection of walls of the cylinder and a shaft neck. Compress piston rings the special tool, then fill shatunny assembly in the first cylinder, tapping with the hammer handle in the bottom of the piston and at the same time directing a rod head on a neck of the shatunny bearing of a cranked shaft.

The piston should be got in the cylinder by a forward label on the bottom (see an accompanying illustration) forward on the engine.

Opravka of the tool for compression of piston rings should nestle densely on the block on all perimeter during all installation time of shatunny assembly (see an accompanying illustration).

    Remove from bolts of fastening of a cover of the bottom head of a rod protective plastic tubes. Put on a rod head a bearing cover, watching combination of the landing labels put in the course of dismantle. Tighten fixing nuts with demanded effort. Operating in a similar manner, establish shatunno-piston assemblies in remained (corresponding to them) cylinders. Further installation is made as it should be, the return to a dismantle order.