Nissan Patrol, Ford Maverick

1988-1997 of release

Repair and car operation

Nissan Patrol and Ford Maverik
+ Cars of the Nissan Patrol and Ford Maverick series
+ Diagnostics of malfunctions
- Settings and routine maintenance
   Greasing and service
   Procedures of service of wheels
   Schedule of routine maintenance of the car
   Settings of the engine and description of the main procedures of its service
+ Engine
+ Systems of cooling, heating and air conditioning
+ the Power supply system and production of the fulfilled gases
+ Systems of decrease in toxicity of the fulfilled gases
+ Systems of electric equipment of the engine
+ Transmission
+ Coupling
+ Brake system
+ Forward and back bridges, running gear and steering
+ Body
+ Onboard electric equipment

Автомобіль Ferrari FF Gin

Settings and routine maintenance

General information

Councils on an otdavaniye of the "become attached" fixture

Before starting an otdavaniye, it is necessary to impregnate the become attached carving fixture plentifully with getting oil for some time. Being absorbed, oil softens corrosion deposits that essentially facilitates further procedure of untwisting of a nut or a bolt/screw reversing.

To destroy corrosion deposits it is possible in also sharp blows of a hammer put on a head of a bolt.
The convenient adaptation for an otdavaniye of the become attached fixture is the shock drive which can be completed both a face head, and a nozzle in the form of a screw-driver sting.

Warming up of a body of a component in which the resistant bolt/screw (or a nut body) by a blowtorch, a torch of gas welding, etc. is screwed in can help with especially hard cases. However, at warming up of the components made of aluminum alloys it is worth to remember that the melting point of aluminum is ready below what at steel - be not overzealous.

If to release the become attached nut fixture it is not possible to any of the listed methods, it is necessary to make carefully by means of a hacksaw on it lateral надпил (parallel to a fixture axis), then to pull down a nut a chisel, watching casually not to damage a bolt/hairpin carving.
In case of bolt/hairpin cutting aflush with a component surface extraction of a fragment needs a special ex-tractor, - follow instructions of the manufacturer. Complete with ex-tractors the set a lerok and taps (see an accompanying illustration) is usually applied.

The damaged carving can be then is restored with the help a lerok or taps of the suitable size. If the carving in a fixing opening is damaged so that is not subject to restoration, it is necessary to increase an opening by means of a drill, then to cut in it a new carving a suitable tap. Alternatively, in need of preservation of the former size of a carving it is possible to establish a spiral insert in an opening.

The simplest method of a reversing of a hairpin is the zakontrivaniye on its free end of two nuts (see an accompanying illustration). Then the hairpin is turned out as a bolt, and the key is put on on bottom of nuts.

Besides, the set of special adaptations for extraction of hairpins is issued - ask in shops of auto parts.


Extraction of epiploons is usually made by a poddevaniye by their screw-driver with a flat sting or other suitable tool. Thus it is necessary to observe known care not to damage a contact surface of a component in/on which the epiploon is established.

The epiploon subject to unequivocal replacement can be also removed by a way of a vvorachivaniye to its face surface of several саморезов. Then the epiploon is taken for саморезы by grab of their heads by flat-nose pliers.
Before installation of a new epiploon surely grease its sponges.

If the return is not stipulated by the instruction, the epiploon is always established by sponges towards a condensed cavity. When clothing epiploon on pins of shaft it is necessary to take care of to damaging its sponge about keen edges of shponochny grooves or шлицов. For this purpose it is necessary to wind a dangerous part of a pin with an adhesive tape.

Installation of a new epiploon is made by means of wooden whetstone, a face head or a piece of a pipe of suitable diameter. Track that sponges of an epiploon settled down in horizontal concerning an axis of a pin of the plane, differently there can be an epiploon flexure that will lead to development of leaks. If depth of landing of an epiploon is not stipulated especially, it is necessary to establish it aflush with an external surface of the corresponding component.


At division of two components tightly planted at each other (for example, a head and the block of cylinders) it is not necessary to enter the lever between their interfaced surfaces. It is a gross blunder and is fraught with irreversible damage of condensed surfaces, in particular if components are made of a soft aluminum alloy.

Components can be dismembered by an obstukivaniye way on joint perimeter a hammer with soft brisk, or a usual hammer through wooden whetstone. Before installation by new laying both interfaced surfaces should be carefully cleared of a material of old laying and hermetic traces.

Make sure that replaceable laying answers on the parameters old and correctly is imposed on fixing and technological openings of joined components.

Pith and paper laying at is subject to shrinkage and before installation after long storage should be soaked in water.

Bearings and plugs

If the special stripper for bearing/plug extraction available does not appear, its equivalent can be made of an improvised material quite successfully.

Bearings often can be removed from the shaft/axes by a way of a careful obstukivaniye serially from the opposite sides (use a hammer and a drift).

In the absence of near at hand suitable press the plug can be established by a way of its latching together with the component in a vice. A vice can use as well for plug extraction. For this purpose the pro-rates suitable on the size one of which should rest against the plug, and the second, the bigger size - in a component surface be required. Instead of a vice here it is possible to use big and rather strong clamp.

The elementary tool for extraction and installation of plugs can be made of the long bolt, two washers (small and big), a nut and a tubular pro-rate (see accompanying illustrations).
1 — a bolt
2 — the plug
3 — a washer
4 — a nut
1 — a bolt
2 — the plug
3 — a washer
4 — a nut
5 — a pro-rate
6 — a big washer

Rubber plugs and the plugs established in deaf openings are taken by means of a special bolt of razvaltsovanny type (Rawlbolt Loxin) used by bricklayers. Densely plant a bolt suitable on the size in the plug. Hardly screw it in the plug. Now the plug can be taken for a bolt by means of a hammer with sliding brisk or pairs of levers.

The plugs planted in deaf openings also can be taken with use of hydraulic effort. Having filled a plug opening greasing, enter into an opening rather hardly entering drift and begin застукивать it inside. Thus the plug under action of hydraulic pressure will start to leave an opening outside.

Provorachivaniye of a cranked shaft

There is a set of situations when there is a need in provorachivaniye of a cranked shaft for the purpose of its reduction in a certain situation (for example at installation of a corner of an advancing of ignition, check of phases of a gazoraspredeleniye etc.).

For simplification of a provorachivaniye of the engine turn out from it spark plugs, is will remove kompressionny pressure.
It is simplest to turn a cranked shaft by means of a face replaceable head (with a drive) or a cap key which should be dressed on a nut of a pulley of a cranked shaft. The shaft should be turned in the direction of normal rotation.

On cars from RKPP the engine can be turned, having put transmission on the highest transfer and having pushed the car. Alternatively the car can be raised over the earth and, having chosen the highest transfer, to turn one of driving wheels forward manually.

Also cranked shaft can be brought into the next to demanded situation by short inclusions of a starter. Then the provision of a shaft is corrected by a provorachivaniye of a cranked shaft for a pulley nut.