Nissan Patrol, Ford Maverick

1988-1997 of release

Repair and car operation

Nissan Patrol and Ford Maverik
+ Cars of the Nissan Patrol and Ford Maverick series
+ Diagnostics of malfunctions
+ Settings and routine maintenance
+ Engine
+ Systems of cooling, heating and air conditioning
+ the Power supply system and production of the fulfilled gases
+ Systems of decrease in toxicity of the fulfilled gases
+ Systems of electric equipment of the engine
+ Transmission
+ Coupling
+ Brake system
- Forward and back bridges, running gear and steering
   + Peredny Bridge and suspension bracket
   + Forward suspension bracket of spring type
   + the Forward suspension bracket on screw springs
   + Back bridge and suspension bracket
   + Back suspension bracket of spring type
   + the Back suspension bracket on screw springs
   - Steering
      Primary checks
      The elementary checks and adjustments
      Removal and installation of a steering wheel
      Service of a steering column
      Removal and installation of the flexible coupling of a steering shaft
      Service of assembly of the steering mechanism
      Removal and installation of the steering pump
      Service of components of a steering drive
      Removal and installation of a steering damper
      Service of the pendular lever of cross-section steering draft
      Corners of installation of forward wheels (geometry of a forward suspension bracket and steering drive)
+ Body
+ Onboard electric equipment

Corners of installation of forward wheels (geometry of a forward suspension bracket and steering drive)

For check and adjustment of geometry of a forward suspension bracket special knowledge and the equipment are required.

Lying within qualification of the average amateur mechanic, check of convergence of forward wheels is unique. Originators of this Management recommend to address for performance described below adjustments to address to specialists of dealer office of the company manufacturer of the car.

Before starting performance of adjustments carefully check a condition of components of a steering drive, and installation of a pretightness of stupichny bearings. Estimate a condition of spherical hinges, springs and suspension bracket fixture. Execute necessary repair.

Check protectors of tires of forward wheels on existence of signs of non-uniform wear as on nature of wear often allows to draw quite certain conclusions on a condition of components of a running gear of the car (see. The section devoted to diagnostics of malfunctions of wheels at the beginning of the Management). Replace defective and worn-out tires.

During check performance the car should be completely unloaded that means existence in a tank of normal amount of fuel. Pressure of a rating of tires should correspond to norms (see size tables and adjustments at the end of the Management).

Corners of cross-section and longitudinal inclinations of an axis of turn of a wheel

Corners cross-section and longitudinal (выбег) inclinations of an axis of turn of a wheel are exposed at manufacturer and adjustment are not subject. Any changes of these parameters speak about wear or damage of components of a suspension bracket.


The disorder corner also is established on production and is not subject to adjustment. Any its changes should be regarded as a sign of wear or damage of components of a suspension bracket.

Some workshops specializing on adjustment of geometry of a suspension bracket of all-wheel drive cars undertake performance of correction of corners of inclinations of an axis of turn of wheels and disorder by installation of adjusting washers, ekstsentrikovy bearings or special wedges. Originators of this Management recommend before starting replacement of components of a running gear to consult at experts of one of such workshops.


Check and adjustment


    Park the car on an equal horizontal platform. To Poddomkratta a car front also establish it on props. Serially rotating both lobbies of a wheel, carry out chalk the line on a protector of their tires, it is desirable as it is possible closer to the center. Lower the car on the earth and establish wheels in rectilinear situation. Carry out chalk the central lines of both wheels approximately to 20 ÷ 25 cm over the earth ahead of a suspension bracket nave. Get between wheels at level of labels a measured bar suitable on length. Write down distance between centers tires at level of the central labels. Holding wheels in rectilinear situation, give a ride to the car forward so that carried out before a label again appeared at height of 20 ÷ 25 cm over the earth, but this time behind naves of wheels. Repeat measurement distance between centers tires at level of labels. The result of the first measurement should differ from the second on the size stipulated by norms (see size tables and adjustments at the end of the Management). In case of need adjustments weaken collars of both tips of connecting steering draft. Adjust convergence by rotation of a pipe of a bar of draft. Tighten collars of tips, without changing the provision of a pipe of a bar. Repeat procedure of check of convergence.