Nissan Patrol, Ford Maverick

1988-1997 of release

Repair and car operation

Nissan Patrol and Ford Maverik
+ Cars of the Nissan Patrol and Ford Maverick series
+ Diagnostics of malfunctions
+ Settings and routine maintenance
+ Engine
+ Systems of cooling, heating and air conditioning
+ the Power supply system and production of the fulfilled gases
+ Systems of decrease in toxicity of the fulfilled gases
+ Systems of electric equipment of the engine
- Transmission
   - Manual box of gear shifting (RKPP)
      Removal and installation
      Check of a condition of components
   + Automatic transmission
   + Transfer case
   + Driveshafts
+ Coupling
+ Brake system
+ Forward and back bridges, running gear and steering
+ Body
+ Onboard electric equipment


Models of 4.2 l

Assembly is made as it should be, obraty to a dismantle order.

For greasing of components use universal greasing on a lithium basis if other grade of greasing is not stipulated especially in the description of an order of performance of procedure.


    Before assembly grease all components with greasing of the recommended grade.
    Collect knot of the synchronizer of 1/2 transfers according to the labels put in the course of dismantle. Track, that sliding keys appeared correctly are combined with three V-shaped flutes in shlitsa of the coupling. Locks of springs should not appear opposite (see an accompanying illustration).
    Collect knot of the synchronizer of 3/4 transfers (taking into account labels). Track combination of naturals by flutes. Establish springs (locks in different directions). Hooks on the ends of springs should get to the corresponding opening in a synchronizer nave. Taking into account labels collect knot of the synchronizer of a reverse gear. Track, that the coupling appeared is turned by the narrow end to the back party of a nave, and locks of springs were turned in different directions. By means of an opravka напрессуйте a plate of the holder on a nave aflush with a face surface of the last. Establish blocking ring, a gear wheel of a reverse gear and the roller bearing on assembly of the synchronizer of a reverse gear (observe the adjusting direction of details). Place assembly in a press, having propped up basic plates a nave of the synchronizer and establish a conducted shaft. Establish a conducted shaft in a press, having propped up basic plates a gear wheel of a reverse gear, and put on a shaft a gear wheel of the first transfer, the bearing and blocking ring of the synchronizer.

Blocking rings of the first and second transfers are not interchangeable. The ring of the first transfer differs existence of three admissions in a teeth (see an accompanying illustration).

1 — a blocking ring of the synchronizer of the 1st transfer
2 — a blocking ring of the synchronizer of the 2nd transfer
3 — the admission
    Put on a nave of the synchronizer of 1/2 transfers a conducted shaft (use a press and a suitable opravka). Track, that flutes in a surface of a nave appeared are turned aside from a gear wheel of the first transfer (see an accompanying illustration).
1 — a nave
2 — a flute
    Measure a lateral gap between a lock ring and a synchronizer nave. Compare result of measurement to standard requirements (see size tables and adjustments at the end of the Management). Pick up a new lock ring of the demanded thickness. Put on a conducted shaft blocking ring of the synchronizer of the second transfer and a gear wheel of the second transfer. Establish the coupling of the bearing of a gear wheel of the third transfer (use a press and a suitable opravka). Track, that the flange of the coupling appeared is turned towards a gear wheel of the second transfer. Put on a conducted shaft the bearing, a gear wheel of the third transfer and blocking ring of the synchronizer. Establish a shaft in a press, having propped up basic plates its end face. Napressuyte on a shaft assembly of the synchronizer of 3/4 transfers. Track, that oil flutes in a nave appeared are turned towards a gear wheel of the third transfer.
    Check axial loofahs
      Measure a lateral gap between a lock ring and a synchronizer nave (see an accompanying illustration). Compare result to data of size tables and adjustments and pick up a new ring of the demanded thickness.
    by t of gear wheels of the first, second, third and back transfers as it is described above. Put on the bearing primary shaft, having tracked that the flute under a lock ring in an external holder appeared is turned aside from a gear wheel of primary shaft, then, having propped up basic plates the bearing, press in it a shaft. Put on the remote plug primary shaft and measure a lateral gap between a lock ring and the plug. Compare result of measurement to standard requirements (see size tables and adjustments at the end of the Management), pick up a new lock ring of the demanded thickness. Establish on an intermediate shaft the holder of a gear ring and measure a lateral gap between a lock ring and the holder. Pick up a new ring of the demanded thickness. Remove the holder from an intermediate shaft. Grease with dense greasing a steel ball and establish a ball, a gear ring, a tarelchaty spring and the holder on a forward part of an intermediate shaft. Track that the concave party of a spring appeared is turned towards a gear ring. Establish a new lock ring of the demanded thickness on an intermediate shaft so that it nestled on the holder. Use a suitable opravka and напрессуйте a lock ring on intermediate before its landing in a flute. Remove an opravka and check correctness of landing of a ring. Napressuyte internal holders of forward and back bearings on an intermediate shaft (use a suitable opravka). Establish a narrow holder back. Establish in a transmission case an intermediate gear wheel of a reverse gear with persistent washers. Track, that uvulas of washers got to flutes, and the step party of a gear wheel was turned forward (as well as before dismantling). Establish an intermediate shaft of a reverse gear and a lock uvula. Tighten a fixing bolt with demanded effort. Components of an intermediate shaft of a reverse gear are shown on an accompanying illustration.
1 — a bolt
2 — a lock plate
3 — a shaft
4 — a persistent washer
5 — bearings
6 — a gear wheel
    Establish in a transmission case intermediate and conducted shaft. Turn an intermediate shaft so that its combined segment and a teeth of a ring appeared opposite to a conducted shaft. Establish blocking ring of the synchronizer and directing bearing of a conducted shaft (use dense greasing), then, holding a shaft, combine a flat segment of a gear wheel of the synchronizer of primary shaft with an opening of the top cover, then establish primary shaft by means of a hammer with soft the brisk. Center an intermediate shaft and by means of a hammer with soft brisk establish an external holder of the forward bearing. Track, that bearing it was turned by a razvaltsovanny part of a separator of rollers towards an intermediate shaft. Prop up an intermediate shaft and establish an external holder of the back bearing (again use a hammer with soft brisk). Press a piece of a firm board in a forward part of an intermediate shaft and turn transmission so that the board rested against a firm support. Plant on dense greasing a persistent washer (a facet back on a shaft), then put on the coupling of the bearing of a gear wheel of a reverse gear an intermediate shaft by means of a suitable opravka. Track, that the persistent washer on appeared clamped between the coupling and a bearing separator. Grease sponges of a new epiploon and establish it in a forward cover. Using new laying, establish a forward cover on transmission and tighten bolts of its fastening with demanded effort.

Manufacturers insist, that in shown on an accompanying illustration (And) points were established new bolts with a kontryashchy covering, however it is possible to use and old bolts, having greased their carving with Loctite 242 hermetic (or equivalent to it).

    Establish a coupling dome, the lever of switching off and vyzhimny the bearing. Tighten fixing bolts with demanded effort. Slightly extend a conducted shaft from a back part of transmission and fill a suitable piece of a board ahead of a gear wheel of the second transfer (see an accompanying illustration) to prevent transfer of load of primary shaft when clothing on conducted bearings and a gear wheel of the fifth transfer.
1 — a gear wheel of the 2nd transfer
2 — a conducted shaft
3 — a case
    Establish transmission vertically, оперев a coupling dome on wooden blocks. Remove a lock ring from the bearing of a conducted shaft and by means of a suitable opravka plant on a shaft the bearing and a gear wheel of the fifth transfer (components of a back part of a conducted shaft are shown on an accompanying illustration). Track, that the bearing appeared is established by a flute under installation of a lock ring back. The acting part of a gear wheel should rest against the bearing. Establish on the bearing a lock ring.
1 — the bearing
2 — a lock ring
3 — a gear wheel of the 5th transfer
4 — the remote plug
5 — With-shaped half rings
6 — the holder
    Having used a suitable opravka, establish on a conducted shaft the remote plug and the back bearing. Track, that the plug appeared is turned by grooves to a gear wheel of the fifth transfer, take from transmission a board piece. Measure a lateral gap between one of With-shaped and the bearing. Compare result to standard requirements. Pick up two half rings of the demanded thickness and establish on a conducted shaft the holder and a new lock ring. Establish the holder of the bearing and previously tighten bolts with secret heads, having temporarily fixed the holder. Tighten all fixing bolts with demanded effort. A center punch зачеканьте a secret head of each of bolts in two points. Dress the synchronizer coupling on a gear wheel of the fifth transfer of an intermediate shaft (the flat party to a gear wheel). The narrow risks drawn from the interior of the coupling should appear are combined with grooves of sliding keys. Establish sliding keys and springs. The long ends of keys and hooks of springs should be turned to a gear wheel, and springs - it is correct to enter into gearing with keys. In order to avoid a vyskakivaniye of sliding keys and their springs establish on assembly of a gear wheel of the fifth transfer blocking ring of the synchronizer. Establish a gear wheel of the fifth transfer of an intermediate shaft and a switching fork with a rod, having tracked that the end of a rod equipped with a lock ring appeared will turn towards a transmission case. By means of a suitable opravka plant a synchronizer cone on an intermediate shaft. Establish on an intermediate shaft a washer and measure a lateral gap between a lock ring and a washer. Compare result to standard requirements (see size tables and adjustments at the end of the Management) and pick up a new ring of the demanded thickness. Check axial люфт gear wheels of the fifth transfer of an intermediate shaft. Grease sponges of a new epiploon and by means of a suitable opravka plant an epiploon in a casing of lengthening of transmission. Having replaced laying, establish a lengthening casing on transmission and tighten fixing bolts with demanded effort.

    Manufacturers insist, that in shown on an accompanying illustration (And) points were established new bolts with a kontryashchy covering, however it is possible to use and old bolts, having greased their carving with Loctite 242 hermetic (or equivalent to it).

    Make assembly of the top cover (see an accompanying illustration):
1 — rods
2 — - the shock lever
3 — - a shock clamp
4 — - a fork of inclusion of a reverse gear
5 — - a fork of switching of 1/2 transfers
6 — - the lever of inclusion of a reverse gear
7 — - a fork of switching of 3/4 transfers
      Establish control assembly of a reverse gear and plant a fixing pin in a casing, having used a hammer and a drift. Establish in the top cover a fork of switching of 1/2 transfers, the shock lever and a fork of switching of 3/4 transfers (observe the order of installation of components remembered in the course of dismantle). Insert a switching rod. Establish in the top cover a fork of inclusion of a reverse gear and the inclusion lever (observe the correct order of installation of components). Achieve combination a vyborok in forks of switching, the lever of inclusion of a reverse gear, a shock clamp and the shock lever. Make sure that the shock clamp is located between edges in a casing (see an accompanying illustration), then establish new fixing pins.
1 — a shock clamp
2 — edges
      Grease face jams of rods of switching with Loctite 587 hermetic (or equivalent to it) and establish jams in a casing. Grease fixing ball and directing and establish the last on the place, insert a ball and a spring into a casing of the top cover. Grease with hermetic a cap and a carving of the sensor switch of fires of a backing and strongly screw them in a casing. Establish in a selector casing an arm of the selector and the lever, insert a choice rod. Plant new cylindrical pins in an arm of the selector and the lever. Grease with Loctite 587 hermetic (or equivalent to it) new jams and establish them in a selector casing. Establish directing plate, having tracked that it appeared is turned by a circular flute forward on a selector casing (as it was noted during dismantle). Strongly tighten fixing bolts. Grease fixing plunzher and balls and establish them together with springs in a selector casing according to the instruction made in the course of dismantle). Grease with Loctite 587 hermetic (or equivalent to it) caps and strongly tighten them. Establish a selector casing on the top cover (do not forget to replace laying) and tighten with demanded effort fixing bolts.

    Manufacturers insist, that in shown on an accompanying illustration (And) points were established new bolts with a kontryashchy covering, however it is possible to use and old bolts, having greased their carving with Loctite 242 hermetic (or equivalent to it).

      Having replaced laying, establish assembly of the top cover on transmission, tighten fixing bolts with demanded effort.
    Collect a casing of management of the lever of gear shifting:
      Establish a rubber saddle on the lever; Fill greasing a nest and the plug on the end of the lever of switching and insert the lever into a nest, having fixed it a new lock ring. Establish a spring and the lever in a casing, fix a new lock ring. Shift on a casing a protective rubber cover (well-aimed F forward on a casing). Establish fixing collars.
    Temporarily establish the gear shifting lever on transmission and, turning primary shaft, make sure of freedom of rotation of transmission at any positions of the lever. At assembly of transmission of models 4.2 consider differences available in it (see. Sections Dismantling and General information).

Models of 3.0 l


    Establish bearings in casings (cases). Track, that the back bearing of an intermediate shaft appeared aflush with a lengthening casing, and the lock ring in an external holder of a conducted shaft was turned towards a back part of a bearing plate.

If the bearing of a conducted shaft also was not replaced, it should be all the same completed with a new lock ring.

    Establish the holder of the bearing on bearing plate and tighten bolts with demanded effort. By means of a press dress the bearing on primary shaft (the external holder should be turned by a flute under installation of a lock ring aside from a gear wheel. Do not establish a ring in an external holder at this stage. Components of a forward part of transmission are presented on an accompanying illustration.
1 — a lock ring
2 — a coupling dome
3 — the bearing
4 — a washer
5 — primary shaft
6 — a remote ring
7 — a blocking ring of the synchronizer
8 — a spring
9 — sliding keys
10 — the synchronizer coupling
11 — a conducted gear wheel of the 3rd transfer
12 — a ball
13 — a conducted shaft
14 — an adjusting washer
15 — the persistent bearing
16 — the plug
17 — a conic spring
18 — a gear ring
19 — an intermediate shaft
20 — a conducted gear wheel of the 2nd transfer
21 — a synchronizer nave
22 — a conducted gear wheel of the 1st transfer
23 — the bearing coupling
    Establish a washer on primary shaft and measure a lateral gap between a lock ring and a flute. Compare result of measurement to standard requirements (see size tables and adjustments at the end of the Management) and pick up a new lock ring of the demanded thickness. Grease with universal greasing on a lithium basis a ball and establish it in an intermediate shaft. Establish on an intermediate shaft a gear ring, a conic spring and the plug. Track, that the conic spring was developed by the concave party to a gear wheel. Establish on an intermediate shaft a lock ring and begin to knock it on the seat by means of the opravka of the suitable size which has been put on the end of a shaft. By means of a brass drift and a hammer establish on an intermediate shaft the persistent bearing. Observe noted dismantle process the direction of landing of the bearing. In a former order collect knots of synchronizers 1/2 and 3/4 of transfers. Track, that the ends of springs on appeared are hooked for the same sliding keys. Grease the roller bearing of a gear wheel of the third transfer and put on it a conducted shaft. Establish on a gear wheel of the third transfer knot of the synchronizer of 3/4 transfers with a blocking ring. Put on assembly a conducted shaft by means of a press. Track, that the nave and the coupling of the synchronizer were turned by the konusny party forward. Measure a lateral gap between a lock ring and a flute. Compare result of measurement to standard data (see size tables and adjustments at the end of the Management) and pick up a new lock ring of the demanded thickness. Grease the roller bearing of a gear wheel of the second transfer and establish it from the opposite side of a conducted shaft. Establish knot of the synchronizer of 1/2 transfers with a blocking ring on a gear wheel of the second transfer and put on assembly a conducted shaft by means of a press, propping up basic plates of the last a gear wheel of the second transfer. Put on a conducted shaft the coupling of the roller bearing of a gear wheel of the first transfer and a washer and plant the coupling by means of a press, having propped up plates of the last a washer. Remove a washer from a conducted shaft. Grease the roller bearing of a gear wheel of the first transfer and establish bearing assembly with a gear wheel on a conducted shaft. Grease with universal greasing on a lithium basis a steel ball with a washer and establish them in a conducted shaft. If replacement of components of a case of transmission, an intermediate shaft, the persistent bearing, a gear ring was made, or actually intermediate shaft is replaced, check axial люфт the last:
      Establish an intermediate shaft in bearing plate and dress on its forward end the persistent bearing. Overturn a dome of coupling and establish in it bearing plate with intermediate shaft, having achieved dense contact of interfaced surfaces. Do not establish at this stage adjusting washers of the forward bearing of an intermediate shaft. Screw and tighten two fixing bolts. Fix a tsiferblatny measuring instrument on a bearing plate so that its plunzher nestled on an end face of an intermediate shaft. Move a shaft up-down and consider instrument reading. Compare result of measurement to standard values axial люфта (see the table below) for determination of the demanded thickness of an adjusting washer:

Size axial люфта, mm

The demanded thickness of a washer, mm

0.93 ÷ 1.02


1.03 ÷ 1.12


1.13 ÷ 1.22


1.23 ÷ 1.32


1.33 ÷ 1.42


1.43 ÷ 1.52


1.53 ÷ 1.62


    If replacement of a casing of lengthening, an intermediate gear wheel of a reverse gear, a shaft or a persistent washer is made, check axial люфт an intermediate gear wheel of a reverse gear:
      Establish a persistent washer of an intermediate gear wheel of a reverse gear in a lengthening casing (as it was noted in the course of dismantle). Put on an intermediate shaft of a reverse gear a forward persistent washer of a gear wheel, roller bearings and a gear wheel and establish assembly in a lengthening casing, having tracked correctness of the direction of landing of a washer. Fix a tsiferblatny measuring instrument on a lengthening casing, having pressed it a plunzher to an end face of an intermediate shaft of a reverse gear. Lay a planeness measuring instrument (an edge of a steel ruler) across an interfaced surface of a casing of lengthening and press it to an end face of an intermediate shaft of a reverse gear. Lift a shaft against the stop in an edge of a measuring instrument of planeness and consider the indicator indication. If the size axial люфта leaves out of admissible limits, it is necessary to pick up a new back persistent washer of a shaft of the demanded thickness.

Back persistent washers of two sizes - 1.97 mm and 2.07 mm are issued.

    Clamp bearing plate in a vice with soft sponges and grease bearings of intermediate and conducted shaft with universal greasing on a lithium basis. Fill the back end of a conducted shaft in bearing plate, tapping on the holder of the bearing with a hammer with soft the brisk. That it was possible then to establish an intermediate shaft, do not put a conducted shaft up to the end. On dense greasing plant blocking ring of the synchronizer of the fourth transfer on a nave of the synchronizer of 3/4 transfers and put on assembly a conducted shaft. Track, that flutes of a blocking ring were combined with sliding keys. Grease the roller bearing and dress him together with a remote ring in primary shaft. Dress primary shaft on the conducted. Holding primary shaft, arrange intermediate so that a teeth of a podpruzhinenny ring appeared is combined with its teeth. It is necessary for the purpose of introduction in gearings of gear wheels of both shaft. Establish an intermediate shaft in bearing plate, holding for this purpose the top roller of the bearing with a screw-driver. Finally plant intermediate and conducted shaft in bearing plate for what press a conducted shaft, at the same time tapping with a hammer with soft brisk on the back party of a plate. Prop up the forward end of an intermediate shaft and by means of a suitable opravka plant on its back end the coupling of the roller bearing of the fifth transfer. By means of an opravka put on a gear wheel of the fifth transfer a conducted shaft (also as it was established before dismantling). Establish assembly of a bearing plate with shaft in a coupling dome. Grease the roller bearing of a gear wheel of the fifth transfer and dress him on an intermediate shaft. At the same time establish an intermediate shaft of a reverse gear and a gear wheel of the fifth transfer. Track, that the fixing pin of a shaft got to deepening. Plant a cone of the synchronizer of a reverse gear on an intermediate shaft, and the coupling of the roller bearing of a gear wheel of a reverse gear - on conducted (use a suitable opravka). Establish knot of a blocking ring of the synchronizer of a reverse gear with sliding keys on the coupling of the synchronizer of the fifth transfer (as they were established before dismantling). Establish assembly on an intermediate shaft, having tracked that the coupling appeared is turned by the slanted party from a bearing plate. Establish blocking ring of the synchronizer of the fifth transfer. By means of a suitable opravka dress a gear wheel of a reverse gear on an intermediate shaft. Establish a forward persistent washer of an intermediate gear wheel of a reverse gear on a gear wheel shaft in the same direction what it had before dismantling. Grease a gear wheel of a reverse gear of a conducted shaft and roller bearings of an intermediate shaft of a reverse gear and dress components on the shaft. Dress on the shaft a persistent plate of an intermediate gear wheel of a reverse gear (as it stood before dismantling). By means of a suitable opravka plant a nave of the synchronizer of a reverse gear and a remote ring on a conducted shaft. Track, that the nave appeared is turned by dredging to a bearing plate. Put on an intermediate shaft back bearings (use an opravka). Take assembly of a bearing plate with shaft from a dome of coupling and clamp a plate in a vice with soft sponges. With the help щупа lezviyny type measure a lateral gap between With figurative lock half rings and a flute in a conducted shaft. If the size of a gap exceeds 0.1 mm, establish new half rings of the demanded thickness. By means of a brass drift establish half rings and the holder, then plant a lock ring. Establish a remote ring for the back end of an intermediate shaft and measure a lateral gap between a lock ring and a flute. Compare result of measurement to standard requirements (see size tables and adjustments at the end of the Management) and pick up a new lock ring of the demanded thickness. Establish the connecting coupling of a reverse gear on a nave of a reverse gear, having tracked, that the coupling appeared is turned by the slanted party to a nave. By Shchup of lezviyny type measure axial люфт gear wheels of the first, second, third and back transfers of a conducted shaft and a gear wheel of the fifth transfer of an intermediate shaft. If the size люфта leaves out of admissible limits (see size tables and adjustments at the end of the Management), disassemble transmission and carefully check the corresponding gear wheels and accompanying components on wear. Replace defective details. Establish a fork of inclusion of the fifth transfer on the coupling of the synchronizer of the fifth transfer. Pass a switching rod through a fork in bearing plate. Insert a new roller pin. Establish a fork of inclusion of a reverse gear on the connecting coupling of a reverse gear, pass a switching rod through a fork in bearing plate. Establish a fork of switching of 1/2 transfers, the shock lever with a clamp and a fork of switching of 3/4 transfers as they were established before dismantling and insert a switching rod. Establish in the shock lever a new cylindrical pin and check smoothness of functioning of a rod of switching. Establish a rod of switching of the back/fifth transfers, grease with fixing hermetic a carving of a fixing bolt and tighten the last with demanded effort. Grease with universal greasing on a lithium basis an adjusting washer of the forward bearing of an intermediate shaft and establish a washer in a coupling dome. Grease with hermetic 587 (or equivalent to it) an interfaced surface of a dome of coupling and establish bearing plate with shaft, having tracked density of a prileganiye of interfaced surfaces. Establish a new sealing ring both a control spring and a ball in the clamp coupling (grease components with universal greasing on a lithium basis). Establish the coupling and tighten a fixing bolt with demanded effort. Grease with hermetic a carving of a cap of a clamp and tighten a cap with demanded effort. Dress a washer for the forward end of a rod of switching and establish new lock rings on a rod of switching and an external holder of the bearing of primary shaft. Grease with universal greasing on a lithium basis of a sponge of a new epiploon and establish an epiploon in a forward cover. Having taken new laying, establish a forward cover on a dome of coupling and screw fixing bolts (the carving bottom three, close to an opening of the lever of switching off of coupling, should be greased with hermetic). Grease with universal greasing on a lithium basis of a sponge of a new epiploon and establish an epiploon in a lengthening casing. Grease with Loctite 587 hermetic (or equivalent to it) an interfaced surface of a bearing plate. Press a lengthening casing, directing a selector arm on a switching rod. Make sure of density of a prileganiye of interfaced surfaces. Tighten fixing screws with demanded effort. By means of a drift plant a new cylindrical pin in a selector arm. Establish the lever of switching off and vyzhimny the coupling bearing. Establish transmission on the car.