Nissan Patrol, Ford Maverick

1988-1997 of release

Repair and car operation

Nissan Patrol and Ford Maverik
+ Cars of the Nissan Patrol and Ford Maverick series
+ Diagnostics of malfunctions
+ Settings and routine maintenance
+ Engine
+ Systems of cooling, heating and air conditioning
- Power supply system and production of the fulfilled gases
   - Power supply system of carburetor engines (3.0 l and early 4.2 l)
      Removal and installation of an air purifier and pyleotdelitel of preliminary cleaning
      Removal and installation of the fuel filter
      Carburetor service
      Service of the fuel pump
      Service of the electromagnetic valve of return of fuel - only models of 3.0 l
      Service of a cable of a drive of a butterfly valve
      Service of a cable of a manual drive of a butterfly valve
      Service of a fuel tank
   + Systems of injection of fuel (EFI) and engine management - models of 4.2 l of release after 1992.
   + System of production of the fulfilled gases
+ Systems of decrease in toxicity of the fulfilled gases
+ Systems of electric equipment of the engine
+ Transmission
+ Coupling
+ Brake system
+ Forward and back bridges, running gear and steering
+ Body
+ Onboard electric equipment

Service of a cable of a manual drive of a butterfly valve

Removal and installation



    Release lock uvulas and remove the plastic plug of a cable of a drive of a butterfly valve from the top part of the lever of a pedal of gas. Liberate a cable from the lever. Give lock-nuts and liberate a cable of manual gas from an arm. Remove from a cable of manual gas the handle. Give a ring nut of fastening of a cable to dashboards and involve a cable in car salon.



    Installation is made upside-down. Track, that adjustment of a cable provided return of a cable to the provision of idling.