Nissan Patrol, Ford Maverick

1988-1997 of release

Repair and car operation

Nissan Patrol and Ford Maverik
+ Cars of the Nissan Patrol and Ford Maverick series
+ Diagnostics of malfunctions
+ Settings and routine maintenance
+ Engine
+ Systems of cooling, heating and air conditioning
+ the Power supply system and production of the fulfilled gases
+ Systems of decrease in toxicity of the fulfilled gases
- Systems of electric equipment of the engine
   + ignition System
   - Charge and start systems
      Service of the storage battery
      Generator service
      Starter service
+ Transmission
+ Coupling
+ Brake system
+ Forward and back bridges, running gear and steering
+ Body
+ Onboard electric equipment

Starter service

Check on the car

At starter refusal during start of the engine execute described below check.


    Check a condition and level of a charge of the battery. Smooth out battery plugs, special attention giving to purity of the positive plug and its clip. Check a condition and reliability of fastening of contacts of grounding. Include head headlights and ignition. If headlights burn, but the starter does not function, it can be regarded as an existence sign in a starting contour of short circuit. Check, whether the engine or assembly of a gear wheel of a starter in a gear wreath of a flywheel (in these cases symptoms will be similar) is jammed. If headlights do not burn and the starter does not function, check serviceability of the lock of ignition electroconducting on break. Examine external electroconducting on existence of signs of break. If it was not possible to find defects, it is necessary to remove a starter for performance of detailed diagnostics.

Removal and installation


Assembly of a starter of the engine of 4.2 l

1 — the tire of the polar socket
2 — the electromagnetic traction relay
3 — the main plug
4 — the socket
5 — the plug of a polar winding
6 — a back face cover
7 — a cover from a drive
8 — the case


    Disconnect a negative wire from the battery. Disconnect a battery wire from the electromagnetic traction relay of a starter. Disunite the electric socket on a starter. Give fixing bolts and remove a starter from the car.

If the starter does not give in to removal from a transmission case, try to hook carefully it the lever.



    Installation is made upside-down. Before starter installation on transmission grease its interfaced surface with qualitative liquid hermetic.


Models of 3.0 l

Components of a starter of the engine of 3.0 l
1 — bolts
2 — a cover from a drive
3 — a lock ring
4 — the drive lever
5 — a persistent ring
6 — a driving gear wheel
7 — a spring
8 — a boot
9 — a washer
10 — a lock ring
11 — a plate
12 — an intermediate forward cover
13 — the electromagnetic traction relay
14 — a shaft of a driving gear wheel
15 — an adjusting washer
16 — planetary gear wheels
17 — a cogwheel with internal gearing
18 — an intermediate back cover
19 — the case
20 — an anchor
21 — a shchetkoderzhatel
22 — a cover from a collector
23 — screws


    Disconnect the tire of the shchetochny socket from the bottom plug of the traction relay. Give fixing bolts and remove a back boot from a cover from a collector. Draw to risk of mutual provision of both covers and starter cases. Turn out through bolts and remove from the case a cover from a collector. Remove assembly of a shchetkoderzhatel, the case, an anchor and an intermediate back cover from a cover from a drive. Remove from an anchor an intermediate back cover and adjusting washers. Remember number of adjusting washers. Give fixing bolts and slightly separate the traction relay from an arm, deducing the drive lever from gearing with a plunzher. Remove the traction relay. Remove a tension spring of the lever of a drive and an adjusting plate. Remove an intermediate forward cover, a shaft of a driving gear wheel with planetary assembly and the lever from a cover from a drive. Flat-nose pliers wring out down a persistent ring of a driving gear wheel and remove a lock ring, a persistent ring and a driving gear wheel from a gear wheel shaft. By means of a small screw-driver remove a lock ring, a washer, an intermediate forward cover and an adjusting washer from a shaft of a driving gear wheel. Carefully clear all components, but do not immerse in solvent an electromagnet of an anchor and assembly of a driving gear wheel.

Models of 4.2 l

Components of a starter of the engine of 3.0 l
1 — a gear wheel casing
2 — screws
3 — a driving gear wheel
4 — the coupling coupling
5 — bolts
6 — the plug
7 — a spring
8 — a lock ring
9 — a cover from a drive
10 — a sealant
11 — the drive lever
12 — a plunzher
13 — the electromagnetic traction relay
14 — a shchetkoderzhatel
15 — the case
16 — the bearing
17 — an anchor
18 — a collector
19 — a back face cover


    Remove a starter from the car. Clamp a starter in adjusting situation in a vice with soft sponges (for a cover from a drive). Weaken a nut of the plug of a polar winding and disconnect a wire from the traction relay. Having drawn risk, mark the mutual provision of covers and the case. Give fixing bolts and remove from a starter a back face cover. Remove from a cover from a drive the case, an anchor and a shchetkoderzhatel assembled. Remember situation on the case of a sealing ring. Release shchetochny springs and take brushes from a shchetkoderzhatel. Take from the case a shchetkoderzhatel and an anchor. Having drawn risk, mark position of the traction relay in relation to a cover arm from a drive. Give fixing bolts and remove from a cover the traction relay, a plunzher, a spring, the drive lever, a rubber sealant and adjusting washers (if the such are established). Try to remember the adjusting provision of components. Clamp a cover from a drive in a vice with soft sponges (a driving gear wheel up) and give screws of fastening of a casing of a gear wheel to a cover. Remove a casing and take gear wheel assembly from a cover Clamp a gear wheel in a vice with soft sponges, wring out down the plug and remove from a gear wheel a lock ring. Remove from a gear wheel the plug with a spring, then take a gear wheel from the coupling coupling. In case of need it is possible to take by means of pair of screw-drivers from the coupling coupling bearings. Remember situation bigger of them. In case of need remove bearings from an anchor, having used for this purpose a stripper. Carefully clear all components. At all do not immerse the case, an anchor or the coupling coupling in solvent.

Condition check


    By means of an ohmmeter check an insulator of a shchetkoderzhatel on conductivity existence. Connect one of щупов the device to a positive side of the shchetkoderzhatel, the second - to negative. If conductivity takes place, execute necessary repair, or replace a shchetkoderzhatel. Measure length of brushes, compare result of measurements to requirements of size tables and adjustments. In case of need replace brushes. Brushes should slide freely in holders - check. Check the efforts developed by shchetochny springs, compare results to standard requirements (see size tables and adjustments at the end of the Management). In case of need replace springs. Check a collector on existence of cavities and прогаров. Wipe its rags moistened in gasoline and polish with a thin emery paper. In case of strong wear the collector can be clamped in a cartridge of the lathe and slightly to pierce very sharp cutter on high turns of rotation. After end of a pro-point measure external diameter of a collector and compare it to standard requirements (see size tables and adjustments at the end of the Management). Cut isolation between segments on demanded depth. Connect one of щупов an ohmmeter to a shaft of an anchor or the core and move the second for a forming surface of a collector. If in any of points conductivity takes place, the anchor is faulty and is subject to replacement. Check polar windings on conductivity existence between a wire of a winding and each of brushes. If conductivity takes place, the wire of polar windings is torn off. Connect one of щупов an ohmmeter to a wire of a polar winding, and the second - to the case. If conductivity takes place, it is necessary to replace polar windings with the case. Check a teeth of a driving gear wheel on existence of signs of wear and chips. Make sure that the coupling of coupling transfers rotation only in one direction. In an opposite direction the coupling should be turned easily and smoothly, and all assembly should move freely along screw шлицов.


Models of 3.0 l


    Grease planetary gear wheels, a cogwheel with internal gearing and the drive lever high-temperature greasing. Put on planetary assembly, adjusting washers and an intermediate forward cover a shaft of a driving gear wheel. Put on a gear wheel shaft a washer and a lock ring. Put on a shaft a driving gear wheel, persistent and lock rings. Establish the lever of a drive and a driving gear wheel in a cover from a drive. Establish a tension spring of the lever and if shot, adjusting plates with the electromagnetic traction relay. Carefully establish on a cover from a drive the traction relay. Track correctness of its arrangement concerning the drive lever. Screw fixing bolts of the traction relay and tighten them with demanded effort. Establish on an anchor an intermediate back cover and adjusting washers (observing a former order). Fix brushes in the holders and establish on an anchor assembly of a shchetkoderzhatel, the case and a cover from a collector. Establish case assembly with a shchetkoderzhatel and an anchor on a cover from a drive (taking into account landing risks). Screw through bolts and strongly tighten them. Establish a boot and screw fixing screws in a cover from a collector. Strongly tighten screws. Hand extend a gear wheel from a casing so that it nestled on an emphasis and measure distance from a gear wheel end face to a casing surface. Submit tension 12 In between the bayonet plug of the traction relay and the plug of a polar winding on the traction relay. Repeat measurement of the previous paragraph. Subtract from the second result the first for definition axial люфта gear wheels, compare result of calculation to standard requirements (see size tables and adjustments at the end of the Management). In case of need add an adjusting plate between a basic surface of the traction relay and a cover from a drive, or clean the superfluous. Connect a wire to the plug of a polar winding of the traction relay and strongly fix it a nut. Establish a starter on the car.

Models of 4.2 l

Assembly is made as it should be, the return to a dismantle order.


    If removed, establish new bearings in assembly of the coupling of coupling and on an anchor. Grease anchor bearings with high-temperature greasing. Tight type bearings of the coupling of coupling are filled by greasing at manufacturer and additional greasing do not need. Grease with high-temperature greasing a reducer teeth, screw shlitsa of a driving gear wheel, a plunzher of the traction relay and the drive lever. Establish a gear wheel in the coupling coupling, establish on a gear wheel a spring and the plug. Press the plug down and establish on a gear wheel end face a lock ring. Make sure of correctness of landing of the plug on a lock ring. Establish gear wheel assembly with the coupling coupling in a cover from a drive. Establish on a cover a gear wheel casing. Screw and reliably tighten fixing screws. Check freedom of rotation of a gear wheel. In a former order collect the lever, a spring and the traction relay. Establish assembly of the traction relay and a rubber sealant on a cover from a drive. Screw and strongly tighten bolts of fastening of the traction relay. Hand against the stop take a gear wheel of their casing and measure size of its vystupaniye. Submit tension 12 In between the bayonet plug of the traction relay and the plug of a polar winding on the traction relay. Repeat measurement of the previous paragraph. Subtract from the second result the first for definition axial люфта gear wheels, compare result of calculation to standard requirements (see size tables and adjustments at the end of the Management). In case of need add an adjusting plate between a basic surface of the traction relay and a cover from a drive, or clean the superfluous. Establish an anchor in the case. Establish in the case assembly of a shchetkoderzhatel. Insert brushes in holders and put on them springs. Establish on the case a sealing ring. Track, that it was not overwound. Establish the case assembled with an anchor and a shchetkoderzhatel on a cover from a drive. Achieve combination landing рисок. Establish on the case a face cover. Screw fixing bolts and strongly tighten them. Connect a wire to the polar plug of the traction relay and strongly fix it a nut. Establish a starter on the car.