Nissan Patrol, Ford Maverick

1988-1997 of release

Repair and car operation

Nissan Patrol and Ford Maverik
+ Cars of the Nissan Patrol and Ford Maverick series
+ Diagnostics of malfunctions
+ Settings and routine maintenance
+ Engine
- Systems of cooling, heating and air conditioning
   Radiator service
   Removal, check of functioning and thermostat installation
   Removal and installation of the water pump
   Replacement of spherical caps (vyzhimny jams)
   Service of a driving belt of the water pump (it)
   Panel and drive of management of a heater and air conditioner
   Removal and installation of the electromotor of the fan of a heater
   Air central air
+ the Power supply system and production of the fulfilled gases
+ Systems of decrease in toxicity of the fulfilled gases
+ Systems of electric equipment of the engine
+ Transmission
+ Coupling
+ Brake system
+ Forward and back bridges, running gear and steering
+ Body
+ Onboard electric equipment


Air central air

General information

Central air serves for cooling and decrease in humidity of air in car salon.

The system can be used as separately in warm weather, and together with a heater in the cold. In the second case giving in salon of dry warm air that allows to remove quickly condensate from windows is provided.

The evaporator, the condenser, the compressor, receiver/dehumidifier, the broad valve, and also the connecting fittings consisting of tubes and hoses on which transfer of a liquid and/or gaseous coolant (see an accompanying illustration is carried out belong to number of the main components of central air of air). The set of various elements of management and sensors serves for stabilization of turns of idling of the engine and with a view of prevention of excessive fluctuations of pressure in system.

1 — - the broad valve
2 — - the compressor
3 — - the evaporator
4 — - lines of a steam phase
5 — - liquid lines
6 — - an observation port
7 — - a receiver/dehumidifier
8 — - the condenser

The coolant begins to boil at very low temperature (-33 ° ° ° C), obliges allows to keep it under pressure constantly.

Emission of a coolant can lead to receiving frostbites and injury of eyes, besides, mixing up with air, the coolant forms poisonous and inflammable gas.

At the same time to loss of a coolant there is also an oil loss from the compressor, and therefore, existence on any of sockets of refrigerator lines of traces of oil is a sign of leakage of a coolant.

Originators of this Management recommend all works connected with need of a detachment of refrigerator lines to charge to experts in central airs.

On a case of performance of the general car repairs connected with need of extraction of the power unit designers provided possibility of removal of the compressor from the engine without a detachment of hoses (the length of the last gives a certain degree of freedom of moving of knot) and its fixing in an impellent compartment away from a working zone (on a wing mudguard).

Check of level of a coolant (level of a charge of system)


    Start the engine and for some minutes turn on the conditioner on the maximum cooling.
    Watch a coolant stream through an observation port in the top part of a receiver/dehumidifier:
    At serviceable functioning of system glass of an observation port will remain transparent during all operating time of the compressor. Cyclic turning on shutdowns of the compressor can cause incidental emergence of bubbles, however a continuous puzyreniye of a stream points to falling of level of a charge of system. The intensive puzyreniye and foaming speak about very strong falling of level of a coolant. Total absence of bubbles or existence of pro-veins of oil testify to a full discharge of system.

At high temperature of environment the small puzyreniye of a coolant can be observed even at completely charged system.

    If the system needs a charging, the car should be driven away in a specialized workshop where its evacuation (production of air), check on leaks and a charging is executed. In order to avoid damage of the compressor do not turn on the conditioner in the presence of signs of falling of level of a coolant in system.


Central air practically does not need regular service besides listed below procedures.


    According to the schedule of routine maintenance of the car carry out greasing of components of system. Through an observation port in the top part of a receiver/dehumidifier periodically check coolant level. In case of need make a system charging. Need for regular additional charge of central air of air is norm and should not cause concern. Periodically a condition refrigerator lines of central air on existence of signs of leaks and external damages. Existence on shtutserny connections of traces of oil is a sign of leakages of a coolant. Execute necessary repair. Periodically check on existence of signs of blocking a drain tube of the evaporator and section of the heat exchanger of the condenser through passage. In case of need make pro-cleaning. Regularly check a condition and effort of a tension of a driving belt of the compressor. At any time years regularly (at least once a week) start central air on 10 ÷ 15 minutes for greasing of internal consolidations.