Nissan Patrol, Ford Maverick

1988-1997 of release

Repair and car operation

Nissan Patrol and Ford Maverik
+ Cars of the Nissan Patrol and Ford Maverick series
+ Diagnostics of malfunctions
+ Settings and routine maintenance
+ Engine
+ Systems of cooling, heating and air conditioning
+ the Power supply system and production of the fulfilled gases
- Systems of decrease in toxicity of the fulfilled gases
   System of ventilation of a case
   System of a retsirkulyatsiya of the fulfilled gases (EGR) - models of 3.0 l
   Control system of quality of a mix during a deseleratsiya
   Control system in temperature of soaked-up air
   System of catching of fuel evaporations (ECS)
+ Systems of electric equipment of the engine
+ Transmission
+ Coupling
+ Brake system
+ Forward and back bridges, running gear and steering
+ Body
+ Onboard electric equipment

Control system in temperature of soaked-up air

For performance described below diagnostic procedures the manual vacuum pump with the vacuum gage is required.

System of supply of hot air

Action principle

Efficiency of combustion of an air and fuel mix will be defined by constancy of temperature soaked up in the carburetor by an air air purifier, regardless of temperature in an impellent compartment. For performance of this condition the control unit in temperature of soaked-up air is included in the air highway between assemblies of a pyleotdelitel and an air purifier.

At the cold engine and when the temperature of soaked-up air is lower than some set a bimetallic spring closes the thermostatic valve in an air purifier (see an illustration below - models of 4.2 l). Thus depression of the inlet pipeline moves on the vacuum motor which closes a zaslonka of an admission of air. At the closed zaslonka in an air purifier through a separate entrance which opens now, on a flexible metal tube hot air arrives. Heating of air is carried out in a heater located on a final collector (on an accompanying illustration components of a control system in temperature of soaked-up air of models of 4.2 l are shown).

In process of temperature increase in an air purifier the bimetallic spring of the thermostatic valve gradually opens access of atmospheric air at the expense of decrease in depth of depression submitted on the vacuum motor. The podpruzhinenny zaslonka of supply of hot air is at the same time closed.

Functioning check


    Remove from air purifier assembly an air inlet sleeve. Make sure that at the idle engine the inlet zaslonka occupies the provision of access of cold air. Manually move a zaslonka, checking freedom of its moving. At single turns of the cold engine the zaslonka should be closed, providing access of hot air. Disconnect a vacuum hose of the vacuum motor, - the zaslonka should open quickly, providing access of cold air. Stop up a vacuum hose with a finger and make sure that depression reaches the vacuum motor. Serviceability of functioning of the thermostatic valve can be checked by its artificial cooling by the compressed air and artificial heating by the hair dryer for hair. Operability of the vacuum motor is checked by connection to it the manual vacuum pump with the vacuum gage. The inlet zaslonka should start to open at depth of depression of 72 mm of mercury. on models of 4.2 l and 50 ± 15 mm of mercury. on models of 3.0 l. Complete opening of a zaslonka should occur at depression of 146 mm of mercury. on models of 4.2 l and 100 ± 25 mm of mercury. on models of 3.0 l. In case of need make motor replacement.

Stabilizer (valve jack) of turns of the heated-up engine

The valve represents the thermosensitive valve providing supply of additional air in the inlet pipeline of the hot engine (see accompanying illustrations - engines of 4.2 l and engines of 3.0 l). Thus there is a mix pauperization that increases stability of turns of idling and reduces issue in the atmosphere of hydrocarbonic connections.

1 — the top cover
2 — nuts lambs
3 — a filtering element
4 — the valve jack of air of hot idling
5 — the thermostatic valve
6 — the case

Functioning check - models of 4.2 l


    Remove air purifier assembly. At surrounding temperature near itself is lower 60 ° About the jack it should be closed. By means of the hair dryer for hair heat up the jack block to temperature 74 ° With and blow in the union. Air should pass freely through the valve, otherwise replace the jack.

Functioning check - models of 3.0 l


    Remove air purifier assembly. At surrounding temperature near itself is lower 60 ° About the jack it should be completely closed.
    By means of the hair dryer for hair heat up the jack block to temperature 75 ° With, - the valve of the jack should open completely, otherwise replace the block.

System of preliminary heating of an air and fuel mix - models of 3.0 l

Action principle

The system consists of the relay and the assembly of a heating element located between the basis of the carburetor and the inlet pipeline.

At engine start a heater запитывается, providing heating of an air and fuel mix passing through it. Intensity of dispersion of fuel thus raises and issue of monooxide of carbon decreases (WITH).

Functioning check


    At the cold engine include ignition (a key in the situation ON). Put a palm on the case of throttles of the carburetor and make sure of temperature increase. If within several minutes of heating does not occur, check existence of tension of the battery on the electric socket of a heater. If tension is present, and heating is not present, replace a heating element.
    If tension is not present, check serviceability of the relay (see an accompanying illustration) and a condition of electroconducting of a heater.
    On termination of check switch off ignition.