Nissan Patrol, Ford Maverick1988-1997 of releaseRepair and car operation |
Nissan Patrol and Ford Maverik - Cars of the Nissan Patrol and Ford Maverick series Identification numbers of the car Acquisition of spare parts Technology of service, tool and workplace equipment Automobile himikaliya, oils and greasings Poddomkrachivaniye of the car and change of wheels Engine start from an auxiliary source Towage + Diagnostics of malfunctions + Settings and routine maintenance + Engine + Systems of cooling, heating and air conditioning + the Power supply system and production of the fulfilled gases + Systems of decrease in toxicity of the fulfilled gases + Systems of electric equipment of the engine + Transmission + Coupling + Brake system + Forward and back bridges, running gear and steering + Body + Onboard electric equipment |
Acquisition of spare parts Auto parts can be acquired from many sources which can be divided into two main categories - official dealer offices on sale of auto parts and independent retail shops of automobile accessories. At the appeal to both sources it will be useful to use the following recommendations: Retail shops of auto parts In good shop of automobile accessories always there is a stock of components best-selling and subject to raised wear (such as details of coupling, system of production of the fulfilled gases, brake mechanisms, etc.). such shops can often put a demanded detail according to the exchange scheme that allows to cut down somewhat material expenses. Shops small wholesale and trading at a discount are a good source for acquisition of expendables and the components necessary at performance of routine maintenance of the car (such as oils, greasings, oil filters, spark plugs, driving belts, automobile paint, lamps, etc.). Besides, in such shops always there is a good choice of the metalwork and special tool and the main automobile accessories. Shops have the schedule of work convenient for visitors, appoint rather low prices and can be always found nearby to the house. Official dealer representations This source is ideal from the point of view of acquisition unique, suitable concrete model of the car and not able to be acquired in any other place of components (such as the main details of the engine, a transmission detail, elements of furnish and a salon upholstery, etc.). In order to avoid violation of guarantee certificates watch that established spare parts, irrespective of a source of their acquisition, corresponded to conditions of warranty service.